National Sports

Cosafa engages Safa over ban on tourneys

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Council of Southern Africa Football Association (Cosafa) says it has engaged South Africa Football Association (Safa) over the decision to ban hosting of regional tournaments in that country.

In a statement issued yesterday, Cosafa said  it has engaged Safa to resolve the issue  amicably.

The statement reads in part: “Cosafa has noted with concern the unfortunate statements that have been made by the South African Football Association regarding hosting future Cosafa tournaments in South Africa.

“Cosafa wishes to confirm that it is determined to clear up any misunderstandings which may have arisen with Safa.

“To this end, the Cosafa leadership is pursuing bilateral talks with Safa to iron out any differences so that the matter can be resolved amicably.”

Flames’ Peter Banda (L) in action against e-Swatini during last year’s tournament in Durban

According to Cosafa calendar, South Africa was expected to host the Under-20 women’s championship, the flagship Cosafa Cup, Beach Soccer Championship, Women’s Champions League, Women’s Cosafa Championship, Under-20 Boys Championship, African Schools Championship as well as Under-17 boys and girls’ competitions.

However, Safa national executive committee made the decision to block hosting the competitions last Friday, arguing that South Africa did not bid for the hosting of them.

Safa chief executive officer Advocate Tebogo Motlanthe was quoted  by South African publication Soccer24 as having said that the tournaments, which South Africa has been hosting for the past five years, were now affecting Safa programmes.

He said Safa fails to get sponsorship from government departments because they are already sponsoring the Cosafa competitions.

 “So, Safa has taken a firm decision that we must write to them to say we have hosted as a country, and it is enough. Give others a chance,”  Tebogo was quoted as having said.

The decision has affected all the nine Cosafa competitions which were supposed to be held in South Africa.

 Meanwhile, the Under-20 Women’s Championship, which was supposed to be held this month, has been postponed.

Next is the Cosafa Cup which is supposed to be held in Durban next month, but Cosafa is yet to confirm whether the competition will take place as scheduled.

Football Association of Malawi general secretary Alfred Gunda said they are following the proceedings with keen interest.

He said: “We hope the two sides will resolve the issue to clear the uncertainty over the tournaments.”

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